Since 1990, I have participated in several archaeological excavations in the Near East, in such countries as Syria, Egypt, and Iran. Currently, I am focusing on field research at Harrat Juhayra, in Jordan, and at Wadi Ghubai, in Saudi Arabia.

The objective that guides my research is to understand the contribution of prehistoric nomadic society to the formation of Mesopotamian Civilization. At present, I am furthering this objective by exploring two more specific research topics. The first is an inquiry into the development of a trade network in the prehistoric nomadic society of the Near East, and its relationship to the formation of the ancient city-state of the South Levant. I am exploring this relationship through an analysis of Neolithic shell ornaments in Jordan and Saudi Arabia.

The second research topic addresses the importance of dairy product use in the South Levant during the Chalcolithic period. As part of this inquiry, I will be trying to gather concrete evidence of dairy product use through an analysis of the lipid residue from potsherds.

Following on from these two topics, I will subsequently further my research on prehistoric nomadic society by undertaking an analysis of wool fabrics in the South Levant during the Chalcolithic period.

Selected publications
・Adachi, T. (2019) A Chronological Division of the Iron Age III Period at the Tappei Jalaliye in Giran, Northern Iran, S. Nakamura, T. Adachi and M. Abe (eds.) Decades in Deserts: Essays on Near Eastern Archaeology in honour of Sumio Fujii, Tokyo, Rokuichi Shobou, pp. 319-322.
・Adachi, T and S. Fujii (2018) Shell Ornaments from the Bishri Cairn Fields: New Insights into the Middle Bronze Age Trade Network in Central Syria, Proceedings of the 10th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, Harrassowitz Verlag, pp.239-246.
・Adachi, T and S. Fujii (2018) Wadi Hedaja 1 and 2: A Chronological Assessment Based on Unearthed Artifacts, al-Rafidan 39, pp.55-69. Adachi, T. (2016) Shell Ornament Processing Methods in Northern Syria during the Early and Middle Bronze Ages, Bulletin of the Ancient Orient Museum 35, pp. 31-44.
・Adachi, T. (2010), Considering the Neo-Assyrian Influence on Ceramic Bowls in the Iron Age Levant, Bulletin of Ancient Orient Museum 29-30: 33-50.