KANAZAWA EGYPTOLOGY SYMPOSIUM 2022 Commemorating the 200 years of Egyptology ARCHAEOLOGY OF DEATH: Rituals and afterlife in Ancient Egypt

日  時: 2022年10月8日(土)13:00~17:30(開場:12:45)
会  場 金沢大学人間社会第2講義棟401教室
参加方法: 事前登録制
kanazawa.egypt2022@gmail.com までお申し込みください。
参加費 : 無料
言  語: 英語(通訳なし)
主  催: 金沢大学古代文明・文化資源学研究所




13:00-13:10Welcoming Address

13:10-13:40 Ancestral Worship in the First Dynasty Cemetery at Saqqara?

Tomoaki Nakano (Chubu University)

13:40-14:10 The transformation of the ritual landscape in the Theban necropolis: priorities of the Middle Kingdom Theban Project at Deir el-Bahari and Asasif

Antonio J. Morales (University of Alcalá, Madrid)

14:10-14:40 Rituals for the afterlife: Paddle Dolls found in a Middle Kingdom tomb at Dra Abu el-Naga

Gudelia García Fernández (Kagawa University)

14:40-14:50 Break

14:50-15:20 ‘As occurs in this Broad Hall of Dual Maat’ The Earliest Iconography of the Goddess Maat in the Judgement Hall

Tokihisa Higo (JSPS Post Doctoral Fellow/ Kanazawa University)

15:20-15:50 Tutankhamun’s Canopied Ceremonial Chariot. A Vehicle for Afterlife?

Nozomu Kawai (Kanazawa University)

15:50-16:20 Burial Practices of non-elite people in the Third Intermediate Period Akoris

Koichiro Wada (Kokugakuin University)

16:20-16:50 Graeco-Roman Period Burial Practices in the Kellis 1 Cemetery (Ismant al-Kharab, Dakhleh Oasis): aspects of regionalism and craftsmanship in Egypt’s Western Desert.

Carlo Rindi Nuzzolo (Monash University, Melborne)

16:50-17:00 Break
17:00-17:25 Discussions
17:25-17:30 Concluding Remarks


E-mail: 河合望(nozomu.Kawai[at-sign]staff.kanazawa-u.ac.jp)