

Division of Intangible Cultural Resources

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Division of Intangible Cultural Resources
Yoichi Nishimoto, Division Leader

This division conducts survey, research, protection, and utilization regarding intangible cultural resources, things which don’t exist in a material form, like language, lore, myth, view of the world, performing art, knowledge, skill, etc. Since they are objects with no physical forms, the first step to research is to record them, but the sector also puts its effort into discussion about their utilization, focusing on panhuman value of them, form a standpoint of seeing them as resources. Basing its research area on linguistics, cultural anthropology, ethnology, geography, religious studies, art, etc., it places emphasis on diversified, cross-disciplinary approach according to research object’s features. The research fields of staff members cover from East Asian countries such as Japan, Korea, and China to Southeast Asian countries like Thailand and Indonesia.




Satoshi Nishimura Professor, School of Humanities Japanese literature, Performing art history
Tetsuo Nitta Professor, School of Humanities Linguistics
Haruya Kagami Professor, School of Humanities Cultural anthropology  
Hiroo Kamiya Professor, School of Regional Development Studies Human geography  
Yoichi Nishimoto Professor, School of Humanities Cultural anthropology
Akiko Asai Associate professor, School of Teacher Education Composition  
John J. Ertl* Associate professor, Foreign Language Institute Cultural anthropology  
Rujie Shi** Professor, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Kumamoto Gakuen Chinese dialectology  
Kawara Kiyoshi** The chief of History and Culture Div., Kanazawa City Hall  

*supporting professor  **visiting professor
