Studies in Ancient Civilizations

Studies in Ancient Civilizations, vol.1 (2023)

Studies in Ancient Civilizations, vol.1 (2023)
Edited by Seiichi Nakamura, Takuro Adachi, and Masahiro Ogawa
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  • Importante aporte del Sr. Seiichi Nakamura para salvaguardar el patrimonio cultural de Mesoamérica - Yuji Seki
  • Reseña del Proyecto Arqueológico La Entrada (Primera Fase 1984-1989, Segunda Fase 1990-1994) - Seiichi Nakamura
  • El Puente and Copan: From the seventh to the eighth century of the Southeastern Maya Periphery - Etsuo Hasegawa
  • Source Analysis of Obsidian Artifacts from the Southeastern Maya Region: Focusing Particularly on the La Entrada Region and the Outer Periphery - Masahiro Ogawa
  • Cosmic Ray Imaging at the Copan Archaeological Site - Kunihiro Morishima
  • A Study on Cultural Resource Management in Copán Ruinas, Honduras - Makiha Gokita
  • Persiguiendo el sueño de excavar pirámides en Mesoamérica: Las andanzas de Shione - Shione Shibata
  • Chalchuapa y Kaminaljuyu: Dos Grandes Ciudades de la Costa Sur de Mesoamerica en el periodo Preclásico Tardío - Nobuyuki Ito
  • Sacrificed captives or venerated ancestors? A new insight into mass sacrifices from the Preclassic Southern Coast of Guatemala - Shintaro Suzuki, Héctor Mejía and T. Douglas Price
  • A Study on the Development of Public Archaeology in El Salvador: for making better strategy on improving international cooperation of archaeological activities - Masakage Murano
  • Dating the Moon Pyramid at Teotihuacan, Mexico – An analysis of ceramics - Etsuo Sato
  • The Formative Heritage in Central Mexico:Proyecto Arqueológico Tlalancaleca, Puebla - Shigeru Kabata, Tatsuya Murakami, and Julieta M. López Juárez
  • Aportaciones arqueológicas, educativas y del desarrollo local por el Proyecto Arqueológico Estero Rabón. - Hirokazu Kotegawa
  • Una perspectiva sobre el problema de la invasión ilegal de los vendedores locales en la Zona Arqueológica de Chichén Itzá, Yucatán, México - Shigeki Shakuya
  • Becoming Mesoamerican archaeologists and recognized worldwide: A text mining analysis of Japanese scholarship - Akira Ichikawa and Misaki Fukaya