


Cultural Resource Studies International Consortium Building
Sumio Fujii, Project Coordinator

This is one of the international joint research activities that the Center has worked on, and it is also a research title adopted in FY 2010 JSPS’s “Strategic Young Researcher Overseas Program Activating Brain Circulation.” This project has been conducted in the three-year plan by the 2012 fiscal year. The major subject of “Cultural Resource Studies International Consortium Building” has five sub-subjects: 1. Public Archeology and the Social Contribution of Archeological Materials, 2. The Evaluation, Use, and Utilization of Architectural Cultural Resources, 3. Archeological Ethnography, 4. Trans-boundary Ethnic Groups and Religious Transformation, 5. Music and Identity Formation. Several young researchers who are dispatched according to the sub-subjects, while conducting fieldwork systematically and constantly in cooperation with researchers at home and abroad, are expected to brush up dramatically in both sides of theory and method, and promote the concept construction and practical method development of cultural resources studies. In addition, the project as a whole aims to construct international consortium of cultural resources studies with this university at its center, setting development of the system as its challenge.
