2020年度 研究業績一覧(藤井純夫)

1. 研究論文(著書を含む)

  1. Fujii, S. (2020) Pastoral nomadization in the Neolithic Near East: Review from the Viewpoint of social resilience. In: Y. Nara and T Inamura (eds.), Resilience and Human History: Multidisciplinary Approaches and Challenges for a Sustainable Future, pp. 65-83. Singapore: Springer. 分担執筆
  2. Fujii, S. (in print) Settlement and Cemetery Complex at Harrat Juhayra 2: An Exotic Middle Chalcolithic Culture in the al-Jafr Basin, Southern Jordan. Studies in History and Archaeology of Jordan 14. 査読あり
  3. Fujii, S. (in press) Late Neolithic cultural landscape in the al-Jafr Basin, southern Jordan: A brief review in context. Studies in Ancient Art and Civilization. 査読あり
  4. Fujii, S. (in print) Harrat Juhayra 202 and the Jordanian Badia Early PPNB: Fresh perspective on the PPNA/PPNB transition in the southern Levant. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on the PPN Chipped and Ground Stone Industries of the Near East. 査読あり
  5. 藤井純夫・足立拓朗・上杉彰紀(2020) 「ヨルダン南部ジャフル盆地の遊牧化 - ハラアト・ジュハイラ2号遺跡の第6次補足調査(2019)」日本西アジア考古学会編『第27回西アジア発掘調査報告会報告集』125-128頁.日本西アジア考古学会. 査読なし
  6. 藤井純夫・足立拓朗・上杉彰紀・小髙敬寛(2020)「アラビア半島の遊牧化 - ワディ・ムハラック、ワディ・グバイ遺跡群の第5次発掘調査(2019)日本西アジア考古学会編『第27回西アジア発掘調査報告会報告集』132-136頁.日本西アジア考古学会. 査読なし
  7. Fujii, S., A. A. al-Mansoor, T. Adachi, A. I. Al-Munif, K. Nagaya and S. M. Al-Tamimi (in print) Surveys and excavations at Post-Neolithic sites in the Wadi Sharma are, NW Arabia. Journal of Saudi Arabian Archaeology 27. 査読あり
  8. Fujii, S., A. A. al-Mansoor, T. Adachi, A. I. Al-Munif, K. Nagaya and S. M. Al-Tamimi, A. Uesugi and T. Odaka (in print) Archaeological Investigations at the Wadi al-Muharraq Sites (NW Arabia): Preliminary Report of the 2017 and 2018 Excavation Seasons. Journal of Saudi Arabian Archaeology 27. 査読あり

2. 学会発表

  1. Fujii, S. (2020) Transition in burial practice and the formation process of tribal society in NW Arabia: New insight from archaeological investigations at Wadi Muharraq and Wadi Ghubai Sites. International Symposium on Archaeology of Arabian Pennnsula : Recent Result of Austrian and Japanese Excavations (Tokyo National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, 31 January 2020)
  2. Fujii, S. (2020) Green Corridor v. s. Desert Highway: New insight into the Neolithization in Jordan from the Early PPNB settlement of Harrat Juhayra 202. The 3rd meeting of the on-line Conference Neolithic Jordan PPNA/PPNB (10 November 2020).

3. 特許等


4. 外部資金獲得状況

  1. 科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(S), 研究課題名:「中東部族社会の起源:アラビア半島先原史遊牧文化の包括的研究」,研究期間:令和元年〜令和5年度, 総額:177,710千円(直接経費:136,700千円、間接経費:41,010千円), 代表・分担の別:研究代表者

5. その他(受賞,国際シンポジウムの開催,報道等)
